As Cillop Textile, we care about the world in which we live and we plan each of our production process to leave a world to future generations, in which they can live conveniently.
We hereby promise to all of our stakeholders to take the social, economic and ecological dynamics into account to take steps to positively affect the economic development, human life and environmental balance in scope of the
interaction of such dynamics and to develop our supply chain accordingly.
We have adopted the goals of sustainable development and sustainable world into our corporate culture and we are taking steps to beautify the world in which we live together with all of our employees to achieve the global goals.
In this scope we improve our production processes in a transparent, and traceable way with continuous change and development approach with goals focusing on water, climate change, energy, bio-diversity and sustainable materials.
We pay attention to ensure that we use renewable energy sources as much as possible.
Moreover we analyze our energy consumption data to determine goals and take precautions to reduce our consumption.
We cooperate with the recycling centers to use the textile wastes from our production units as raw materials to protect the natural resources and reduce the environmental effects.
We continue to take steps to ensure continuous improvements for the work environment at our factories by organizing regular meetings with the representatives based on a fair, reliable employee
representation system at all of our factories to create a work environment where the management and production unit employees can communicate in an healthy way.
We believe that only a fair payment system can make it possible for our employees and their families to meet their basic needs based on minimum wage while making additional savings and we carry out researches in this regard.
We aim at improving the life standards of our employees with the wages they get and to increase their loyalty to our company by implementing a fair, understandable method that is open for development with a payment management
system developed according to the competences and skills of our employees.
We deliver our wastes to our licensed recycling and disposal facilities which are approved by the ministry of environment, starting from the stage of product design including the production, consumption, waste formation,
waste recycling and disposal aspects. We measure the amounts of our wastes and determine goals to reduce them.
We support the Zero Waste Project. We organize waste management trainings for all of our employees to raise environmental awareness.